How to do marketing research on WhatsApp using Mazzapper

Cristiano Nogueira
3 min readMar 16, 2021


(full disclosure, I’m a co-founder of, a white-hat bulk Whatsapp messaging tool)

I have a couple of strategies I prefer to use whenever I do marketing research on

Copy and paste your list, then write your template message to safely send each message one-by-one, at roughly 100 messages every 6mins. Try it for free at

First, I take my list of customer contacts and that i divide the list up into many hundreds so if I even have a 1000 on my customer list I’ll find yourself with 10 lists with 100 .

Then I send myself all of these lists via email.

I start doing my market by contacting the primary hundred.

Try one style

On each hundred we’ll use a distinct communication style. Usually contacting this first hundred takes me roughly half an hour as I reply to their questions as they arrive. In other words, I halt the blasting process to stay the present conversations warm

What’s good about Whatsapp is roughly 70% people reply within the primary hour they get the message.

Fine-tune the primary style or try a special style

On subsequent day I’ll take the second lot of 100 to approach them with another sort of question. Obviously the second question are going to be an improvement on the question from the previous day.

As you’ll guess my questions on the third day are going to be even more fine-tuned.

This will keep it up improving until my hypothesis has evolved and i am getting closer to the crux of the matter.

Usually by the fourth or fifth day much clearer understanding of how my customers think and react to the research hypothesis, whether it’s a replacement product service or promotion

Chat don’t spam
As you recognize and we’ve talked about it earlier in our other tutorials, suggest conversing together with your customers rather than just blasting one message with everything in it. As you recognize , the more you ask them and exchange conversations, the more they’re going to share with you.

Make it multiple choice and clickable
Another tip especially if you’re doing market-research with quite 100 people is, rather than posing for open ended questions, to provide them with multiple choices.

So rather than saying what’s your favorite wine leaving it open-ended you’ll you’ll ask them and say what’s your favorite wine:
- option A Merlot
- option b is Cabernet
- option C is carmenere
- option D is Malbec

But if you would like to tabulate the results this might get complicated as you will have to either tally it on paper or review all of your chats.
So to systematized This research you’ll include a link on each of the multiple choices, so:
option A is Merlot click here
option B is Cabernet click here
option C is Carmenere click here

You can use any URL shortener like to live the press stats, which should correspond to the votes.

Use emojis
The third tip to do market Research you’re keeping the conversation personal to incorporate stickers and emojis obviously without overdoing it.

Share your findings with those that assist you
The last tip is to incentive survey participation by sharing your results. “Those who answer the survey are going to be sent the results on Friday”. This, of course, is restricted to surveys that are not confidential or competitive intelligence.

Last but not least

Don’t be disheartened if only half your list replies to plug research… that’s already several times above other sorts of mass communication like email, phone calls or street surveys. Email, as an example , rarely gets a 20% reply, even when the list is consider the sender and curious about the survey.

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Cristiano Nogueira
Cristiano Nogueira

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