Complete guide to AB testing your images

Cristiano Nogueira
5 min readFeb 1, 2022


A/B testing is the process of sending variations of an element (image, text, ad etc) to different groups of people to see which variation gets better results. In this case, the input text is a definition of what A/B testing is, and the output shows how it works.

AB Testing = Split testing

You can easily test two versions of an image by uploading two different images and getting them voted on at ABTest.Online. This allows you to compare how each version does.

Why its important to your marketing campaign

Your website’s conversion funnel determines your fate as a business. Every piece of content that reaches the target audience must be optimized to its full potential. Elements that have the potential to affect the behavior of your website users and your conversion rate should be tested.

Image and Photo AB testing campaign

A/B testing your images helps you understand what causes your conversions to be low. You can then use this information to improve your business.

Test different types of images, such as models vs., or static images vs. videos.

If you use a model in your product images, try adding a short video.

Websites should have images that tell stories about the product or service being offered. They should be unique and convey the right message to the viewer.

Conversion rate optimization CRO via tests

Most CROs don’t focus much on the image. Instead, they focus on the text, the content, and the page layout. Image optimization is more important in the UX or PPM space than in the CRO space. UX designers use pictures to tie together design ideas, and improve the on-site user experience. Paid ads focus on the picture first, as it’s what gets people’s attention. Improving images’ CTRs is the biggest lift they could optimize for before testing other things. In PPM, the picture is the first touchpoint affecting conversions.

We don’t seem to test as many images in CRO as we should, but it can directly affect our optimization. What kind of impact can images have on optimization? Our brains are hard-wired to save energy. If given a task, we’ll always look for the easiest ways to achieve it. This makes us scan a page in 2 seconds, looking for key points to help us understand what the content means. We want to make sure we give enough context before spending too much time or effort reading something.

We’re basically looking for signs that it’s worth reading or it isn’t. Images help us scan and understand pages faster, reducing the chance that we bounce back. They also help us learn, remember and connect ideas. Images can also help us visualize, reduce complexity, and have emotional connections. All of this leads to lower bounce rates, further page reads, better user experience and more conversions.

Faster speed to association and understanding. Building of desire. And higher CTR. Ex-pected vs unexpected results now, before we go through these ideas below, remember that u always need to test to se how they work for you.. A test that gives a lilt for one comapny can cause a drop for otehrrs. The irony, of couse, is that things that shoudl give lilt dont alway work. I ran a payt traffic camain a few year bakc to AB tesst 2 images, but by acciident, i addd a 3rd an dwent away camping for the weekend befor i realzed.

The control group and the variable

You’re not going to get very good data if you don’t have a control group. If you send one version of your email to 100 people and another version to 100 people, you aren’t going to be able to tell much about how effective either version was because you never had a chance to measure against a baseline. It would be like running a study at a restaurant that doesn’t serve any food until after a certain time of day. Without having some sort of control group you aren’t really doing anything useful.

Split testing tools

You can easily set up an A/B test on

1) Add Image A/B Test to your survey. Image A/B tests let you test how people respond to different versions of an image or design element. You can use them to compare two designs, or even see if the same design works better in some countries than others.

2) Create a variation based on your hypotheses about how the site could be improved. Test different variations to see which ones work better.

3) Make changes based on the data from each experiment.

4) Compare and contrast: Are there any differences between the original design and the new design?

5) Repeat until you find the best combination!

6) Measure and repeat.

7) Analyze the data to determine the success of your experiments.

8) When you get it right, share it with the world.

9) Keep learning.

10) Always keep improving.

11) Don’t forget to write down what you learned!

The most common reason people fail at an A/B test is because they’re not measuring their conversion rate properly. It may sound obvious, but you really

Increase in conversions by testing your hero images on your target audience

Authentic product images make up a large portion of the persuasion. These photos help users feel comfortable about buying the product.

Examples of conversion rate optimization

Pottery Barn uses user-submitted pictures of products. These could be the standard ones or the ones taken by users themselves. The standard ones are the ones that are used as the main images on the site. Users can also submit their own pictures of the items they want to buy. This is done in the “Share Your Style” section. Users can then view these pictures in the homes of actual customers who purchased the item.

While A/B testing for sales funnels requires careful planning and attention to detail, you can quickly test one of the most important elements using our image AB testing tool. Don’t make any silly mistakes or you’ll lose valuable time and money.

A/B testing allows you to see what works and what doesn’t work. You can see what ad drives the most conversions, what offer your audience responds to, what blog headlines drive the biggest traffic. If you want to perform your own split testing campaigns on your images, go to

In conclusion

As mentioned above, you can do multiple image tests at once with a free account at AB Test Online. You can earn credits by voting on other user’s tests. Once your first test is done, go back to the previous page and start another test.



Cristiano Nogueira
Cristiano Nogueira

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